Me, being a neutral wanted to find out what happened so I
did a little digging in the net and Gandhi
biography and watching documentary and what I found was really stunning which I would like to share with you friends....
Personally I won't support anyone unless I see his/her is truthful....
Me being NEUTRAL....
Well now going through history I don't see any dispute
between Hindu and Muslims in the past before Gandhi coming into the picture....
Maybe there was no record but I can't dig anything regarding that anywhere...
And I also noted that Gandhi in his
meeting always mentioned that Hindus and Muslims must work together... in every
meeting mostly... There is this thing in psychology that when we keep telling
something to a person it will become a hardbound thought for the person....
Reading Godse he has his own
theories for the killing and he too wanted a United India and Pakistan... It
was his DYING wish...!! Also Godse was a supporter of Gandhi during the freedom
fight.... But it all started during the partition....
May be Gandhi artlessly noted that Hindu and Muslim are DIFFERENT(which
we are NOT) by mentioning they should 'Work Together' in his speech....May be
people thought that maybe Hindu and Muslims are different after all, by continuously
hearing the statements of 'Working Together'... I hope u get that....
But Muhammad Ali Jinnah can't be left behind he is the one
who suggested the partition.... After all he was the All-India Muslim league leader....
Both the G's wanted the same thing so why the Godse decided
that he should take the life of an old man.... Well from my digging I found an
interview of his brother which is actually, I can't believe am saying this but
accurate. This is the interview....
From the interview what he say is right, all through the
history there is no record of religions living in harmony there has always been
dispute.... There has always been attempt to suppress religions by other religion.....
Including Christianity..... (I don't want to leave that one behind)
It was fools hope of Gandhi to find harmony between them in
the middle partition and riot and all the killing by the Jan 13, 1948 'FAST TO
THE DEATH' which is ascribe as godse's motive in HERE ....
it's like trying to glue the pieces of a shatered glass which will effect in
cutting our own hands.....
Gandhi was a reasonable man and his preaching of non-violence
is what gave way for our FREEDOME.... But the hope of unity was lost when there
was the partition and the killings....
But he failed to accept his defeat which was not a reasonable thing....
In Godse case he was truthful from his point of view killing
a man of that status only makes him legend... If he is accusing Gandhi he must
have made the attempt to strip the truth in light instead he just killed him
which is great big mistake and makes this suspicious of his reasons.... Being a
brilliant man finding many reasons to kill him, why dint he think of this??
And the most important thing is Gandhi when he was shot
never said "Hey Ram"..... But some media has noted like that and why
is that, to make people feel Gandhi was a Hindu devotee.... According to Gandhi
his GOD was one and belongs to NO religion.... And he just made a
"uh.." sound when he was shot...
And it's a great shame that being the country following non-violence
principle we hanged the Godse hanging with him the non-violence principle
And friends I would like u to read THIS too.... it's really
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